204 results found
Introduction to general programming
A course that is not 'language' specific. Basically instead of teaching us the syntax, etc. of a programming language (C, Python, etc.) - rather show us what does a program consist of, what does all programming languages have:
*What is an integer?
*What is a syntax?
*Variables?A course that would explain the above basics, before students go over more in depth.
29 votes -
software engineering
An introduction to software engineering for absolute beginners.
Audience should be familiar with computer programming,A C-like language (C/C++,Java,C#) is preferred
25 votes -
Ethical Hacking (White hackers)
Ethical Hacking, Computer Security and 1337 programming skillz, the so called white hackers, low level programming, sniffers, buffer overflow, cryptography,DoS, linux security, etc.
118 votes -
23 votes
Python 3.x
A ground-up approach to learning Python 3, which is the future of Python. This would not only update information people familiar with Python 2 but help beginner developers learn Python for the first time.
45 votes -
Introduction to C
Like the title states, this is an introduction where no previous experience is required, merely a keen interest in technology. By the end of the course, participants should be able to have a strong grasp of the langauge and move on to more advanced subject matter.
11 votes -
curso de iniciación al idioma chino (chino tradicional o estándard)
Iniciarse en el chino. Con recursos aportados por el profesor que lo complementen (enlaces, documentación, gramática, videos, etc, etc.)
4 votes -
Django - Hacking the New P2PU Site, Lernanta
In the first week we'll get set up with the Lernanta codebase and get connected with the p2pu-dev community. We'll get familiar with all of the channels of the P2PU dev community and start build the future home of P2PU.
25 votes -
Hacking the P2PU website (Django)
For people who know a bit of programming from before, but no Django, and want to get involved in hacking the new website. Learning how to set up a Django development environment, overview of Django and the code, working together on developing small features and actually contributing to the live code. Helping write documentation on all this to make it easier for more people to contribute in the future.
3 votes -
Basics of C programming
C language is one of the most used programming languages.
A course for total beginners to programming (no programming knowledge at all) to understand the basics of programming, structures, how to read code, etc.
73 votes -
Calligraphy = Javascript + HTML5
A class to teach Roman and non-roman (e.g. Arabic) calligraphy illustration with the help of Javascript and HTML5 to further expand the limitations of the web.
9 votes -
4 votes
Learn android api to make web apps
67 votes -
Node is similar in design to and influenced by systems like Ruby's Event Machine or Python's Twisted. Node takes the event model a bit further—it presents the event loop as a language construct instead of as a library. In other systems there is always a blocking call to start the event-loop. Typically one defines behavior through callbacks at the beginning of a script and at the end starts a server through a blocking call like EventMachine::run(). In Node there is no such start-the-event-loop call. Node simply enters the event loop after executing the input script. Node exits the event loop…
42 votes -
HTML 5 and CSS 3 for modern web applications
A course teaching the use of HTML 5 and CSS 3 to build modern web applications.
200 votes -
PHP From A to Z
A course teaching PHP programming language from A to Z by aiming Zend PHP Certification exam with Zend's Free PHP 5.3 Study Guide and Davey Shak's and Ben Ramsey's Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide.
48 votes -
Zend Framework
A course teaching the usage of Zend Framework to build a modular web applications with discussing Zend Framework 2.0 proposals & conventions and doctrine 2.0 integration.
22 votes -
Web Caching Concepts
A course teaching the usage of caching of web applications.
21 votes -
Cloud Computing
How Software as a service can be utilized to run a small business. How this technology will grow and how to take advantage of that growth.
12 votes -
Business 101
What it takes to write a business plan, the kinds of questions you need to get answered if you're going to start a small business and who to ask. Suggestions on how to run your business for the first year.
38 votes