Yii framework
Using the high-performance PHP framework for developing Web 2.0 applications.

romek commented
i would like learn about that framework
coolman commented
One of the best php frameworks!!
Then Boby Hartanto commented
Yes it Is
imehesz commented
it makes PHP development less ... sucky?
trapagual commented
Fine. Begining with framework. Most interesting.
pepe commented
Alex Muir commented
Powerful and flexible. Brings PHP back to life.
Anonymous commented
Yii is exactly what I was looking for to rework our existing internal application. The community support has been fantastic!
kitune commented
Best framework!!
PoL commented
Very great framework!!!
Anonymous commented
Yii has allowed me to make complex and powerful web apps quickly and efficiently.
miauchie commented
Whoa! This is a very amazing framework! I am a MVC and PHP5 beginner, and yet I don't find Yii difficult to understand! I would definitely love to learn more about this framework...too bad I can't vote again!tsk..
Maurizio Domba commented
When new users encounter Yii the first questions are something like:
Is it fast? ... Is it secure? ... Is it professional? ... Is it right for my next project?The answer is Yes, it is - Yii
Garry Wee commented
Yii currently is one of the framework that I found out to be lightweight and efficient. Regarding the speed of development, I think it reduce the time by about 3 to 6 times faster then code without any framework.
miauchie commented
I find Yii interesting.